The term "patent service" refers to the trademarking of entrepreneurs' brands. Patent services are provided through the Department of Intellectual Property. Today, entrepreneurs can trademark their brands by submitting an online application.
Most often, when people think of patenting, they only consider protecting a logo or a name. In reality, patenting also applies to an invention, which is granted a patent in Uzbekistan for a period of 20 years. Brand patenting encompasses obtaining a certificate for a trademark.
Today, there are numerous legal firms offering patenting services, allowing entrepreneurs to safeguard their brands with the assistance of experts in the field. The process and timelines for patenting are the same for all applicants. When patenting their brand, business owners need to pay special attention to the qualifications of specialists, the sequence of the workflow, efficient organization, and the values of industry representatives. In practice, many entrepreneurs wishing to independently trademark their brand turn to patent service professionals due to various errors and shortcomings. The patent service is a growing sector in Uzbekistan.